Why Does Joe the Plumber Hate the Handicapped?

Oh My God!

The election is over. A bombshell was just dropped on Jim Treacher’s Blog–and it is freakin’ huge!

Treacher has discovered that Joe the Plumber, the puppy-killing, children-kicking, gay-bashing, Republican dupe, hates all handicapped people–including, but not limited to, Trig Palin!

Word is, he will be calling for the lynching of Trig (We all know that that is what Republicans do, right?) sometime before the election, forcing John McCain to decide between his running mate Sarah Palin and his new best-friend, and horrible, evil human being, Joe the Plumber. What is the most maverick-y choice? I’ll put my money on that. Hmmm….

Please God, help me kill the handicapped, the sick and the old...

Please God, help me kill the handicapped, the sick, all minorities and the old...wait, not the old...not yet. Waha haha